Saturday, October 21, 2006

Moo Hoo, Pee Wee

No, it isn't The Countess from Pee Wee's Playhouse. Remember her? "Moo Hoo, Pee Wee" That show was such a hoot. Talk about creativity!

Anyway, you never know what you'll see when your traveling on the back roads through farm country. I took this pic from my car...on the zoom lens required. I was zipping along and I swear to God this cow was just about hanging over the road. She scared the crap out of me! After a 'What the f#¢& was that?' moment, I couldn't resist the photo op so I threw the car in reverse and asked her kindly to say, "Cheese!" She was such a dear (I mean cow) and graciously obliged. I thanked her and left her to her cud.

Before you say anything, yes, female cows have horns.

1 comment:

ArichNY said...

Hehehehe...I love it! By the way, I have Seasons 1 thru 5 of Pee Wee's Playhouse on DVD. A Pee Wee Marathon some time?