Sunday, November 05, 2006

Is President Bush Gay?

This has got to be one of the funniest ideas posted in a Yahoo discussion thread that I've seen. It's was in response to a Rev. Haggard scandal news story. I'm probably way late on this item, but what the heck. It's new to me!

Okay, the theory goes something like this:

• It starts with the acknowledgement that most of these anti-gay zealots are repressing their true selves along the lines of "the lady doth protest too much, methinks." [Find your favorite Shakespearean Quote!]
• President Bush spends way too much time on the subject of same-sex relationships.
• Bush is a pom-pom toting ex-cheerleader.
• Birds of a feather flock together: Bush and Haggard talked weekly.
• Jeff Gannon/Guckert, former Washington correspondent, Republican shill, and military-style man whore escort had over 100 visits to the White House, many of them overnight.
• The President has had physical contact with Jeff as evidenced by the photo above that shows them embracing. Or is Mr. Gannon whispering sweet nothings in Georgie's ear? Or thanking him for last night?
• What's up with all these evangelicals and gay male man whores escorts?

You connect the dots!

BTW, if you ever want to read nasty comments from the underbelly of American society, try reading one of those Yahoo threads. They are a wake-up call of the first order, where the nastiest of bigots — except yours truly, of course — reside. I go there when I feel the need to save the world and I have the energy to inject some civility into the discussion. It never works, and I never really feel better for having done it, but I go back just the same.

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