Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dinosaurs Lived 10,000 Years Ago — With Humans

Here's the case for the co-existence of dinosaurs and humans. I just don't get it.

Ken Ham's sprawling creation museum in Petersburg, Kentucky isn't even open yet, but an expansion is already underway in the state-of-the art lobby, where grunting dinosaurs and animatronic humans coexist in a Biblical paradise. Ham is convinced that nearly half a million people a year will come to Kentucky to see his Biblically correct version of history.

The $27 million project, which also includes a planetarium, a special-effects theater, nature trails and a small lake, is privately funded by people who believe the Bible's first book, Genesis, is literally true. For them, a museum showing Christian schoolchildren and skeptics alike how the earth, animals, dinosaurs and humans were created in a six-day period about 6,000 years ago -- not over millions of years, as evolutionary science says -- is long overdue. While foreign media and science critics have mostly come to snigger at exhibits explaining how baby dinosaurs fit on Noah's Ark and Cain married his sister to people the earth, museum spokesman and vice-president Mark Looy said the coverage has done nothing but drum up more interest.

A 2006 Gallup Poll showed almost half of Americans believe that humans did not evolve, but were created by God in their present form within the last 10,000 years.

Supporters of the museum include evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews and conservative Catholics, as well as the local Republican congressman, Geoff Davis and his family, who have toured the site.

While the debate between creationists and mainstream scientists has bubbled up periodically in U.S. schools since before the Scopes "monkey trial" in nearby Tennessee 80 years ago, courts have repeatedly ruled that teaching religious theory in public schools is unconstitutional. Rather than force skeptical teachers to debate creation, Ham wants kids to come to his museum, where impassioned experts can make their case that apparently ancient fossils and the Grand Canyon were created just a few thousand years ago in a great flood. Looy is upfront about the museum's mission: sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with nonbelievers.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Friends of mine are born again and every now and then they come spouting this crap out. They once told me that dinosaurs like T-Rex are still alive today and co-exist with humans up in some remote part but science is just trying to fool everyone.
I looked at them dead serious and said your kidding right. I just don't know how bad things have to be when you start to beleive whatever someone tells you. Science or Bible do some research and form your own opinion. Thanks for sharing this story.