Saturday, April 14, 2007

From The "No Shit, Sherlock" File

Students who took part in sexual abstinence programs were just as likely to have sex as those who didn't, according to a study ordered by Congress. They reported having similar numbers of sexual partners and lost their virginity at the same average age...14.9 years old.

The federal government now spends about $176M annually on abstinence only education.

While these have now been proven ineffective, what do you think the odds are that Republican representatives will declare this a waste of taxpayers money and vote to cancel it in favor of tax cuts? Yeah, right, not very likely. There is a degree of homophobia to these programs. Since gays and lesbians can't get married, it follows that they can't have sex under an abstinence until marriage theocracy.


Red Seven said...

I'm surprised the rates weren't higher for the folks in the abstinece programs, actually. Nothing makes you hornier than trying to supress desire, dontcha know.

michael sean morris said...

The only abstinence that works is no one wanting to have sex with you. Just look at me: five years, no STIs or anything. Wow!