Sunday, August 19, 2007

Black Eyed Susan Goldsturm Rudbeckia

I remember black eyed susans growing wild in the fields when I was just a tyke tear-assing around the neighborhood. They do very well here; I put three plants in the garden at the end of last summer and they're already 3' tall and loaded with blooms this year. They provide such an eye-catching vibrant color and are currently sharing the spotlight with the white Shasta Daisies and purple Coneflowers.



evilganome said...

I love black-eyed-susans. I notice yours are Goldstrums. I have a lot of hirtas in my garden. They get to be like weeds. They really do liven up the garden though, don't they?

Gavin said...

Thanks for the tip. I didn't know there were different types...I should know better since there's breeds and cross breeds of everything.

I'll update the post title to include the info. Good for anyone that pops by and wants to know what to buy if they like them.

Anonymous said...

they're beautiful. but they wither away too soon.