Tuesday, August 14, 2007

China Is Cheap, Not Inexpensive

Mattel announced another recall of millions of toys made in China. Even the Chinese are worried about the products they buy for themselves. In a poll cited on the CBS Evening News, 92.7% of the Chinese public is concerned about the food they eat.

To U.S. manufacturers: Make sure your cost accountants add these charges when calculating the Cost of Goods instead of a special charge. The cost of making goods in China is not as cheap as you'd think all things considered!

If we allow companies to ship jobs overseas, we need to export our product safety and labor rules, too. We would have far greater oversight if they made products here. It must become financially obvious that offshoring is bad business. Bad for customers, bad for shareholders, and bad for the bottom line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny that we both posted the same thing. Great minds think alike! The whole offshore thing gets to me. Probably because I've been dealing with it personally at my own job. It's a sad day when American companies place profit ahead of consumer safety.