Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm going commando today. Uh-huh, I lead an exciting life. I live on the edge.


Big Daddy said...


I should have.

It's humid today and my boxers make me feel like I am wearing a diaper.

RG said...

You know, going commando is so liberating, especially wearing dress pants for work AND if you wear a cock ring as a little secret you're only privy too.

Privy to that is, until you meet that cute guy in Customer Support and you somehow both end up in the handicapped stall in the men's room at 3 in he afternoon.

cb said...

I love going commando. Its very liberating. but my balls stick to my thighs when its very hot and sweaty

Red Seven said...

I can't do it. Especially not to work.

Hi, I fear zippers.


RG said...

Somehow CB, I KNEW you liked going commando.

Gavin said...

Thighs, CB? I get knee stickage! :)

RG said...

Mmmmmmmmmm - knee stickage - mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said...


Anonymous said...

Love to go commando - but not at work any more - had an incident where my pants ripped from the pocket all the way down to the knee.

Otherwise - sign me up!