Friday, September 07, 2007

Heroes Of The Week: The Out And The Proud

The whole Senator Larry Craig tearoom sex scandal has rocked the political world. It's also cast a disparaging light on homosexuals in general.

Rather than dwell on him, who could have easily won this week's Douche Bag of the Week award, I'm going to recognize all those GLBT folks that are living open, honest, out and proud lives. Stepping through the threshold of the closet door isn't merely the simple act of a single step. It can be a very scary journey filled with peril, rejection, and discrimination that eventually gives way to self-acceptance.

Everyone who's made the journey would never go back. It isn't easy living openly gay and I salute those that do, and I welcome those who are struggling now but will eventually make it here on the other side. It's worth the trip!

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