Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's Just Like Winter — Only Inside!

It is 8:15 a.m. It is 15 degrees outside, and 47 degrees inside. My teeth are chattering. I put an electric heater in my mom's bedroom last night and put a couple of extra blankets over her to keep her warm. She woke me up in the middle of the night yelling, "There's a bear on top of me!" Oy.

I, on the other hand, slept under a couple of blankets and Cat #1 slept on my chest and barely moved a muscle. I kept pretending I was at my grandmother's camp on the lake decades ago...when it would be freezing, and she'd be up at 5:30 firing up the wood stove to make sure the place was toasty when we all got up.

The men are here and working on putting in the new furnace. I just put two big pots of water on the stove to see if I can boil some heat into the place.

The good news is that I'm actually up and feeling decent. I go to the doctor at 2.


Doralong said...

Ever notice they never act up when it's a fairly civil 49 degree day? Hope you're warm ASAP and that this solves the long running case of the blech you've had!

RG said...

Next time, I'll loan you my dog as a sleeping companion/blanket. She's very toasty.