Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lost In 8:15 Minutes

If you aren't watching Lost because you don't know what's going on (umm, Cowbell, that's you!), here's everything that's happened so far condensed to 8:15 minutes. Now you have no excuse — it's not too late to become a Lostie!


the cajun said...

This was too funny. Now I know why there's so much interest in the show.
I don't have access to network TV - I'm on Satellite, no local channels, either. No great loss.
I am hooked on Torchwood on BBC, and would love to see someone try to put that show in capsule form.
Just stumbled in here so I hope I didn't track up the carpet.

Gavin said...

cajun---You can watch Lost on the web site if you have a high speed modem. They cut out most of the commercials, too!

more cowbell said...

WTF?!? My brain is spinning. Damn. OK, I'll have to watch that at least 2 more times.

more cowbell said...

OK. I watched it again. They're stranded, right? But there are all these boats and submarines and balloons and rafts and such ... as well as IMing devices and computers and refrigerators and phones and radio towers ... why the fuck are they still lost?

And how do the others get books and milk jugs and jars of jam with labels? WTF?

Big Daddy said...


I needed a refresher.