Friday, March 21, 2008

TV Thursday On Friday: Lost

No repeat with subtitles this week. The good news is that a lot of the questions I've raised recently were seemingly answered.


Here are some of my random thoughts from this week:
• The obvious question is what happened to Frenchy and Karl. After all those years on the island, she got whacked. But at least she finally met her daughter and died trying to protect her. An upstanding way for this character to go. The freighter's helicopter is still gone, and I think they want us to suspect Mr. Machine Gun Skeet Shooter as the killer, but I think Ben sent someone. He was giving Karl the evil eye and that would explain why the daughter was spared. Widmore's people would have kidnapped her.
• Last week I asked about the big question mark in the center of the map. I wondered if is it the home of Jacob? Old smokey? Both? Now I wonder if it is The Temple where Ben sent his daughter to hide. Another question I've been asking...where are Richard and the other Others seemed to be answered. Ben said they are hiding at a sanctuary called The Temple which, until now, has never been mentioned.
• Walt seems to be more trouble than he's worth to Michael. Michael has killed twice and made two suicide attempts over him. Wasn't Ben's subtle manipulation of him creepy?
• I said that Tom was gay over a year ago. My gaydar may be on the fritz in real life but it works great on television.
• The island's powers extend beyond its borders. We see this by it preventing Michael from actually killing himself all the way in New York. But, if it can keep the gun from firing, why can't it stop the freighter's engines? I've noticed that people keep referring to "The Island" like it is a living thing.
• Sayid doesn't like him no traitors. I wonder if the Captain will whack Michael next. Of course, the irony is that we know via flashforward that Sayid will end up working for Ben, too.
• The Widmore-staged fake Oceanic 815 was kinda disturbing when they showed the excavated cemetery in Thailand.
• It also occurred to me that the Desmond time travel scenes had him with a shaved head and face. From a production standpoint, I wonder how they did that. Is he wearing a wig? He could probably grow the beard back pretty easily (and it doesn't look fake like Jack's in his flashforward) but the hair is too long to grow like that in such a short amount of time.

Okay, Losties, tell me what you're thinking!


Jodi said...

I posted my review too...we have similar thoughts again. I also thought Tom was gay last year after he made that comment. I want to know this...why is the island selective as to who they won't let die? i.e. Michael, Tom, etc. Why did it let Charlie die? And so many others? Felt so bad about Danielle dying, but she died protecting her daughter that she just met. How about Libby showing up as a ghost/dream for Michael?? Please explain little Walt to me? Was that edited? The boy who plays Walt is so grown now? I think they spliced that together.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Michael can't kill himself because he is in a time warp.


Jodi said...

You had said you thought Tom wasn't dead...the only thing is, did you see Michael's reaction to him showing up in the alley? (Obviously like why are you here shock) but also I thought I heard him say, "you're supposed to be dead" or something like that.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Found you through Moodyblue. I called Tom's preference when he made the comment to Kate that she wasn't his type. What guy would say that to her unless .... Also, Sayid cracks me up! I have referred to him as "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown--badder than Old King Kong, Meaner than a Junkyard Dog Sayid Jarrah" in my next Lost post. And really, when you see Ben give someone "the bug-eye look," you know what's coming--sooner or later, it's buh-bye. Great post.

Gavin said...

Welcome Lostie Linda!