Thursday, June 12, 2008

Having A Great Time In The Sling Swing

This lazy bum expert "nap researcher" got me thinking about getting a hammock for the backyard. I fantasized of swinging in the breeze, listening to the birds carry on conversations, and drifting away to some exotic far-away land in my dreams.

I found conventional hammocks for $40. Then I spied this baby at KMart. $200 and 3 hours of assembly labor later, and I'm happier than a pig in shit!

An unintended benefit is that my mother likes it, too. She sits for hours at a time and that means I don't have to worry about her wandering off. That is relaxing in and of itself.

You can see my gardening assistant (or as Alex put it, my supervisor!) snoring away on the swing. This is her new favorite spot. So everyone is happy!

Looking at the garden that I just finished last week makes for a really nice view. Last night a real deer wandered by in the field behind the yard.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering--how do real deer react to your fake ones?

Gavin said...

Alex--They ignore them and walk around them. I think deer react to smell as much as anything. If I try to sneak up on them to take a pic, and they see me, they put their nose in the air to smell me. If the wind is in my direction and I stand still they go back to what they were doing. If the wind blows their way and they smell me, they stamp one of their front feet as they stare at me, then turn and run with their white tail in the air. Someone told me the stamping releases a scent of fear from a gland in the foot to warn other deer that another had encountered something dangerous there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the education! Someone should can that "fear" scent for use as a repellent. It's too desert-y for deer in my neighborhood, but friends on the other side of town get a lot of damage. They've tried the Irish Spring soap to no avail. Hmmm, what if you hung out a T-shirt you'd worked out in for a month and never washed?

evilganome said...

I'm glad to hear that someone else is taking up the reigns of nap research so that I don't have to. That swing reminds me of the one that my Memé had out in the front yard of the farm. I loved that thing.

michael sean morris said...

Looks like a comfy addition to a beautiful garden.