Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Faucet With A Rash

OMG, I am in sorry shape. I have caught a summer cold. My nose is running like a faucet and Alavert, Tylenol Sinus, and Benadryl haven't been able to stop it.

On top of feeling completely drained and dehydrated, I have a rash that is causing me some concern. It first appeared on the inside of my forearms. I had been trimming bushes and pulling weeds so I thought it had something to do with that. I immediately went into a poison ivy panic but it never blistered or became itchy so that isn't it. It's now spread to my torso. Red, bumpy, but no itch. At this point I don't care what it is as long as it goes away.

I'm a sad sack. :(


cb said...

Sounds like the old whore's full again! :-)

michael sean morris said...

Ouch cb! With zingers like that you'll be on British TV in no time.

If the rash were more localized I'd say it was a spider bite, but it shouldn't spread like that. What remedies have you tried? Witch hazel works best for me; maybe it's a heat rash...

Gavin said...

I haven't tried anything topical since it doesn't itch. I took a Benadryl when it first appeared but that didn't clear it up. As long as it doesn't get any worse, I'm going to leave it alone.

Doralong said...

Umm, sweet pea- the two could be related you know..

Birdie said...

Fifth's Disease? Goes away on its own. (Seems every child gets it. Once infected, always immune after that.) Check with WebMD.