Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Beaverhausen Chronicles: Alaskanomics

Anastasia is at it again. Whitewashing her fiscal conservative record. As I've said before, is the Muttley/Beaverhausen so out of touch with technology that they think we can't look this stuff up immediately? That there's a record of almost everything they've ever said and done?

Michael Kinsley over at Time magazine wrote an interesting article on Alaska economics. Here are a few excerpts:

As if it couldn't support itself, Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950). Its ratio of federal spending received to federal taxes paid ranks third among the 50 states, and in the absolute amount it receives from Washington over and above the amount it sends to Washington, Alaska ranks No. 1.


Although Palin's words side with McCain in this dispute, her actions side with Obama. Her major legislative accomplishment has been to revamp Alaska's windfall-profits tax in order to increase the state's take. Alaska calls it a "clear and equitable share" tax. The state assumes that extracting oil from the tundra costs about $25 per bbl. and takes as much as 75% of the difference between that and the sale price.

Why is a windfall-profits tax good for Alaska but not for the U.S.? Well, it's obvious, isn't it? People in Alaska are better than people in the rest of the U.S. They're more American. Although there are small towns and farms and high school hockey teams in the lower 48, there are fewer down here, per capita, than in Alaska. And there are many more journalists and pollsters and city dwellers and other undesirables who might benefit if every American had the same right to leech off the government as do the good citizens of Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Read the full Alaskanomics article at Time.com.

1 comment:

Doralong said...

Oh for crying out loud.. Like my bumpersticker says "Yes ladies, McCain DOES think we're all that stupid!" OY!!