Monday, September 15, 2008

Diet Update: Oreos Are Evil = -1

Week #12 and I'm down 1 lb to 169. I was going to end the diet posts today since it has been 12 weeks and it is turning into a tedious, up and down "lifestyle" rather than a diet. But, since I lost a pound, I figure I'll keep going at least for another week. Perhaps this self-threat will get me back on track.

Last Friday, on a quick trip through the grocery store, the cookie aisle was calling. Mind you, one of the ways I keep to my diet is to keep crap out of the house. If I wander down by the cookies, strolling slowly and whistling like I'm walking past a graveyard at night, I buy the Murray sugar free cookies if I succumb to temptation. They're really good, actually, and I'd eat them even if I wasn't on a diet.

However, this day, it was the reverse Oreos that were calling to me. Those with vanilla cookie with chocolate creme centers. I bought a package. Now, to make matters worse, they have a new way to reseal them so they don't go stale. That was one of my built-in safeguards. I could always count on eating half a bag since the rest would eventually be soggy.

I've found that I have to grab three cookies when I raid the pantry. Not one. Not two. Not four or five. Exactly three. And despite this, I've kept in check and managed to lose a pound this week. It could have been two if it hadn't been for those meddling Oreos.

1 comment:

cb said...

I think you need to get bigger cookies to pilfer! :-)