Friday, September 26, 2008

Remembering Louis Rukeyser

After all of the financial turmoil this week, when the clock turned 8 tonight, I reminded myself that I had to make sure and turn on PBS to see Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser. Odd how things like that pop into your head.

I always enjoyed watching him and listening to his sensible financial advice and tongue-in-cheek manner. If anyone could have made sense of the current crisis, it would have been Mr. Rukeyser. I miss him. He lives on in his fans.

1 comment:

michael sean morris said...

Another comforting figure from my childhood gone... I think "Wall Street Week" used to come on after "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" and "The Electric Company", and sometimes I'd leave it on because he had a cool voice and a nice smile and was obviously rich.