Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wiggy Wednesday: Charlie Gibson


Anonymous said...

Oh Christ! Its terrible isn't it lol

michael sean morris said...

Are you sure that's a toupee? Some guys just have that ultra-tidy hair.

Gavin said...

I'm pretty sure it's a wig. I've seen him on a number of programs where, when you see him from the side, there is a line along the side that is a different color and seemingly different lengths where a toupee should blend in.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely a toupee, and he's been wearing one since at least '99.

Ifirst realized it back on the New year's Eve coming into Y2K (the whole milennium thing) when I happened to cruise by ABC and they had supposedly vacationing and self-professed ski bum Charlie reporting from Winter Olympics tryouts in Utah. He turned the back of his head to the camera and hello! There was a totally obvious bald spot back there I'd nrever seen on GMA.