Monday, June 04, 2007

Caving In To The Hype

Is there a way to complain about this tramp's over-exposure without contributing to it? I've been going to go off on my absolute anger over the amount of exposure she gets but I just couldn't bring myself to add to the frenzy. I expect that now that she's in jail it's going to be all Paris all the time even when her puss is locked behind bars.

But now I've given in. And it all happened when I read that just hours before she reported to serve her jail time, she was walking the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards talking about how "scared" she was about her impending incarceration. As my Grandma would have said, "She doesn't have the sense that God gave a goose."

I gotta tell ya, if I were going to jail, I'd probably be home crying under my bed and the authorities would have to come in and pry me out with a crowbar. [Except if you were my father looking to mete out some punishment when I was a child. He only had to loudly ask my mother if she'd seen the huge spider under my bed that morning...and I was out of there like a rocket and running right into his out stretched arms. Damn.]

So here she is, in all her Brazilian glory and fake extensions, in an ad for a Carl's Jr. hamburger. Carl's Jr. is a large hamburger chain out West (ever notice it's "out West" but "back East"?) — I practically lived on their Famous Star for years as a bachelor — that has a tagline "If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face." The tag is accompanied by a visual of someone biting into one of their delicious burgers and the juicy goodness dripping out. Dennis Rodman was one of the most popular celebrities in the ad campaign and she being the most controversial.

If I never read or wrote another thing about her, my life would still be complete. The MSM needs to stop feeding us this tripe. Ugh.


John said...

This may be a crazy suggestion, but why don't you stop reading and watching stuff about her?

Seriously. It's not hard. I think I've heard five words about her in the last month (not including this blog entry).

We get to choose where we put our attention.

Big Daddy said...

Ha. Yah I refuse to mention her on my blog but had to post this.

From the MTV Movie Awards last night.

Anonymous said...

I say dump MSN.

Michael said...

Stupid girl--she should have stayed home last night! That clip of her at the MTV awards last night had to hurt. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I think the two words you used to describe her sum up everything about Paris Hilton very neatly. Tramp, and overexposure!

Anonymous said...

I share your outrage and frustration. I agree with John, in that I am free to tune it out. I am successful most of the time because I don't watch all that much tv. Still, she is able to work her way into my attention sphere with too much exposure. Hope she finds a girlfriend to soap up with in prison, she will need a lot of protection...

Tony said...


Gavin said...

I guess some point of clarification is needed. I never said I ever read or watched any story on her. My point is, that for me at least, the frustration comes from the fact that I can't get away from her!

Her pics are on the home page of Yahoo and AOL. She's on every news program...from ABC, NBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and even local etc. And they tease her story during the programs leading up to the news.

So unless I'm willing to stop watching television and avert my eyes on my Internet home page (not to mention in the check out line at the grocery), I don't hold out hope.

John said...

She turns up on my Google home page, but I seem to be able to just pass it by. I don't watch TV news, because I think it's appalling: complex news gets reduced to sound bites, and I think it actually leaves people thinking they are informed without actually encountering much information, which is a pretty dangerous thing. (That's the national news; the local news seems to be a parade of trivia, and I can't figure out why anybody it's called "news.")

I do see her in tabloids at the supermarket checkout, though.

If you want to try an interesting experiment, take the time you spend watching the news, and read news from solid newspapers instead. It tends to change your attitude about the world. It's interesting.

michael sean morris said...

She is everywhere. She's even on my blog (like yours) for the first time ever. I'll never do that again. Well, maybe once more. Twice, but not more than that...

I think I've solved the mystery. She's addictive!

Stay away kids! Stay away!

Gavin said...

You'd probably be surprised at the amount of information I read...WSJ delivered to the house every day, local paper every day, and NYT several times a week when I go to market. Newsweek arrived this afternoon (guess who is on page 79 w/ Lohan and Richie), BusinessWeek every Saturday and probably 10 other subscriptions in addition to what I pick up on news stands.

I could restrict my tv viewing and my reading choices to vertical pubs but I don't think that's reasonable. I guess it's a sad day in the U.S. when turning off the national news is the solution.

I generally agree that changing the channel is a good solution. But in this instance I'm coming down on the side of demanding quality news. If we don't express ourselves to demand better, then we don't deserve better.

Leave PH to Entertainment (?) Tonight and People magazine where she belongs.

And for what it's worth, this post has the most comments of any that I've ever posted. If this blog was about making money and returning value to shareholders, I guess I'd end up writing about her every day too.

John said...

When I do sometimes see TV news (when visiting my folks, for example) I find it's redundant because of the reading I do. Your mileage may vary of course... but you've made me curious - what the appeal of the national newscasts? (Not being snotty - I'm curious.)

Gavin said...

I'm a news junkie I suppose. I was raised watching them and have always thought they were my main source of accurate reporting of the "important stuff." Kinda like the NYT...I've always regarded them as the important news of the day. 60 Minutes the same way.

I guess this is my wake up call that they aren't. Cable news has cast its ugly shadow across all channels. I will still watch them as a way to get more perspective but now I'll be jaded with them.

I suppose if I can watch Tucker, Chris Matthews, and George Stephanopoulos (w/ George Will and Sam Donaldson), I can stomach Brian Williams and Katie (on at different times here), too.

John said...

Well, news is a business now. It always was, but whatever sense of public responsibility that used to exist at the networks is gone, and it's all about whatever will make people tune in. Thus celeb news till you want to scream.

I think it's actually a huge problem - it is useful to have some news sources that everyone pays attention to, and that take reporting seriously. Give us common ground for discussion. That is, sadly, gone and I think we're the worse for it.