Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Comment Moderation Sucks

Okay, I've turned comment moderation off. I originally thought it would keep me from missing comments on prior posts. But after less than a week, I think that this small benefit (mainly for me) is being outweighed by the lag time from when the comments are made and when I approve. I'm not moderating to screen out any comments so it doesn't seem to make sense for me or the blog at this time.

I've been on it pretty well as I sit here at my desk working on the computer all day (and night it seems). But just this afternoon I had a backlog of 4 comments (ooooooh!) that were waiting. With good reason...

We had the worst thunder and lightning storm this afternoon since I returned to NY two years ago. Drenching rain, pea size hail and lightning strike so close they occurred at the same time as the thunder. Remember the rule from Poltergeist...every second between the thunder and lightning represents the distance in miles to the storm. The cats were even scared.

I work on a laptop so I unplugged the power cord, but when the power to the rest of the house went off, I realized that the cable modem Ethernet cable isn't through my surge protector so I disconnected it. Maybe a bit too cautious but I can't afford to lose this computer since it is my livelihood. Yes, all my data is backed up, but my demanding client isn't going to be very sympathetic about any time it would take me to get a new computer and restore all the files, etc. I'm generally asked to turn projects around immediately. And because I can/do, that's my value add and how I get business.

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