Monday, September 01, 2008

Diet Update: Labor Day Hiatus = +1

Week #10 and I'm up 1 lb to 173.

This was a "non-diet" week where I didn't pay that much attention to my calories. Or should I say, I paid attention, but ate pretty much what I wanted.

It was the county fair this weekend and that means sausage sandwiches, fries, lemonade, and fried dough with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Last night, I went next door for dinner and had two plates full of goulash, rolls with butter, and chocolate cream pie. Only to finish the evening off with a slice of cherry pie when I got home.

I also took a relaxing drive last Wednesday that involved more bad eating which I will post about tomorrow.

Anyway, I need to buckle down again and see if I can shed a couple pounds in the coming week. My immediate goal is to get back under 170.

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