Sunday, August 16, 2009

Photos From This Weekend In Boston


michael sean morris said...

The fourth one reminds me of one of those shots of Boston you used to see between scenes in an episode of 'Cheers'.

I trust you had a good time...

Tate said...

Hope you had fun! Did you run into Tony?

Gavin said...

MSM--Boston is a great city although it was really hot and humid this weekend. I have to plan more days in a row because by the time I drive out and check in it's almost time to check out and you've only been there a couple of hours.

Tate--Yes, I arranged dinner with Tony and RG. We had a wide array of Thai appetizers and intelligent, progressive-minded conversation!

Mark H said...

OH I WISH we'd been there at the dinner, I bet that was a FABULOUS time......It would have been so GREAT to see you and Tony and RG again!