Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ed Weaver Is A Nitwit 10.17.06

Once again, Ed Weaver has outdone himself. This week he dedicates his 24 column inches to accusing Democrats of keeping bad Republican stories alive. Of course, he points out that the GOP never does it. What a gem since he contradicts himself every week and delivers his own whopper in this week's article!

Here are a couple of excerpts from Weaver's 10.17.06 article and my feelings about them:

About obvious liberal bias in the media...

"And it's just another glaring example of how the media doesn't have the same zeal for Democrats in such situations as they do for Republicans, and also how Republicans don't make soap box accusations and demand resignations."
Hey Ed, I can't believe you forgot the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. After all, you write about the 10-year-old story just about every week and seem to relish every bit of ink you spill on it. The media was saturated with the Clinton affair. If I see that video clip of him hugging Monica one more time I'll barf. I think Fox News Channel had it on a loop. Oh, and I guess holding impeachment hearings isn't the same as "demand resignations."

Now for the whopper. Weaver is praising U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT) for defending House Speaker Dennis Hastert...
"Shays was referring to Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass), who in 1969, left the scene of a fatal accident he caused and disapperared for nearly 12 hours. Former RFK campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne died in the accident."
Didn't he just criticize the liberal media for keeping stories alive? Gosh, Chappaquiddick is 37 years ago. That's keeping a story alive. Ed, you must be a liberal!

Ed Weaver's column appears every Tuesday in The Record newspaper in Troy, NY. I'd say he's a right-wing conservative, but all indications are that he's even whackier than that. His views are so skewed, and based in a reality that I don't even recognize, that I think he sees the world through fun house mirrors‚ only it isn't funny. He's proof of the theory that hindsight is 20/20, only his vision is 20/100...20 for those things that support his views, 100 for those that don't.

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