Friday, February 09, 2007

My Anna Nicole Nightmare

I had a terrible nightmare last night. Anna Nicole Smith's 5-month-old baby girl Dannielynn was being pulled in all directions. Literally. Someone had an arm. Someone the other arm. Someone her left leg. Someone the right. One pulled for love. One pulled for money. One pulled for fame. And one pulled for all three.

It is my hope that little Dannielynn's custody is quickly decided and that she is raised in obscurity with tons of love.

I've been wondering why this is bothering me so much. Then I read an article with a quote that seemed to hit home. "With Anna Nicole, she was pathetic but at the same time you thought, 'Gosh, if I could just scoop you up and fix things, it would be OK,'" said Jerry Herron, a professor of American culture at Wayne State University. "You wouldn't want to scoop up Paris Hilton.'"

Update 1
Father Claimant #1: Howard K. Stern
Father Claimant #2: Larry Birkhead
Father Claimant #3: Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband Frederick von Anhalt
Do I hear a fourth?

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