Saturday, March 31, 2007

Are You Searching For Medusa Spider?


For those of you searching for "medusa spider," Google picked up my blog because I mentioned the medusa spider as part of my weekly Lost recap post. Another good recap can be found at Lostpedia.

After receiving a ton of hits referred to this blog by Google and AOL Search, I also did some searching on "medusa spider" and the latin name "Latrodectus regina" that the doc called it but found nothing. Best I can tell, 'Latrodectus' is the Genus for widow spider and he fictionally added the 'regina' as the Species which means queen in latin. I think the Lost writers made it up for the buried alive plot line. Remember that Dr. Artz said he was discovering new species and was going to be regarded as the next Charles Darwin.


Anonymous said...

The only question then is...if Artz discovered and named the did he know the effect its venom had on humans

Anonymous said...

His penis told him so...

Anonymous said...

Because its a tv show... hey let's see if google knows where I can find black smoke that goes around and kills people.

Anonymous said...

I have a photo I took of the spider in a valley in Hawaii.. I think it is some kind of a cane spider