Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I Officially Feel Sorry For LiLo

I used to think Lindsay Lohan was just an annoying twit on the order of "she who shall remain nameless" (PH) albeit with talent. But now I feel sorry for her. She has some real problems — not the least of which is the lack of an influence in her life that can make a difference.

This just in...photo and text from Yahoo! News:

Lindsay Lohan, who just finished a second stint in rehab for substance abuse treatment, was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. Lohan, who is already facing a drunken driving charge in Beverly Hills, was pulled over near the Santa Monica Police Department after authorities spotted her car chasing another. Authorities conducted a field sobriety test and then transported her to the police department.

The 21-year-old actress was booked on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of cocaine, among other charges. Police found cocaine in one of her pants pockets during a pre-booking search.

1 comment:

John said...

It's sad that she's a train wreck (because she's a human being and human train wrecks are sad), but... it's a hard to feel too sorry for her when I consider, for example, the guy who's always under a freeway overpass with his dog asking for change in my neighborhood. I can be pretty sure he didn't have the leg up on life that LL had.