Monday, July 16, 2007

Romancing The Stone

Lots of pain this morning and lots of blood. The good news is that I think it's close to passing as the pain is now lower in my abdomen. I'm now talking to the stone, being nice to it hoping that it will be nice to me in return, and decides to come out quick and easy. Kinda like making a deal with God. "Oh please, dear God, let this pass and I promise I'll never do X ever again!"


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming you're own some level of prescribed pain management. Here's hoping you enjoy your conversation, and don't bargain too much away in dealing with that little bastard!

Take care!

evilganome said...

Ow. Just ow. I don't even want to imagine what you're going through. Ow! Take the nice drugs.

Mom said...

Ouch! That hurts. Take the drugs.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping all passes without further torment! Get well soon...

And what EG said, take the nice drugs...

Breenlantern said...

Stop getting these! End of discussion! (I have promised the Universe I will not say a hateful thing about bratty children all week if this passes quickly and as painlessly as possible for you.)