Saturday, July 28, 2007

By The Bayou: Welcome To My Blogroll

It's that time to expand my blog roll. I've been visiting John over at By The Bayou for quite a while now. He has a pretty ecclectic mix of topics he opines about but he's been writing a lot of posts lately about the new love in his life — Teddy the puppy. If you like cute animals and remembering those times when you had a new pet in the house, stop over and visit him.

John joins us from central Houston, TX (the Heights). One thing I also try to do with my blog roll is select folks from different parts of the U.S. and Canada. I find it educational to keep up with what's going on: knowing what's happening there (like the recent floods) or varying opinions. John's also one of the only folks I visit that aren't from this area but have actually spent time here. He attended the University just down the street where my mother worked for 15 years and that my niece just graduated from in May. He also has roots in New England and Washington D.C.

Welcome to my blog roll, John!

1 comment:

John said...

Well thank you and greetings from the Bayou City to anybody who wanders by!

Along with my roots in your neck of the woods I come up to central NY for business regularly. It seems that although I'm not from upstate NY, and although it's now been 20 years since I left there, it's one of those areas that's been recurring theme in my life.

And it's an awfully nice place to visit in the middle of a Gulf Coast summer!