Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who's Next?

Am I missing anyone from my Hypocrisy List?

Who qualifies? If you have a voting record, or track record of disparaging comments, against the GLBT community while you're getting your jollies off in the closet, you qualify. This list is open to Democrats as well lest I be labeled a partisan hack.

U.S. Senator Larry Craig (R-ID)

Florida Representative Bob Allen (R-Merritt Island)

U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA)

Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL)

Spokane Mayor Jim West (R)

Who's next?

There has been a lot of public discussion about California Congressman Fred Dreier (R-San Dimas) in the local press. It's an open secret in his district (they don't really care...hey, it's California!) and in Washington D.C. He's a high-ranking Republican, and it is rumored that he was passed over for Speaker of the House after Tom DeLay quit because of his gay baggage. He's in an LTR so unless he wanders a la George Michael he seems securely in his "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" closet. See, you can be a gay Republican, you just can't admit it to the masses.


RG said...

I don't mind someone being in the closet - even a Republican legislator - they have their reasons.

But, if their public life is diametrically opposed to what they're doing in they're private life - I say expose the A-holes.

Greg said...

Can anyone verify that "GOP" doesn't stand for Gay Old Party? just kidding. I know not all Republicans are gay, but they seem to be prevalent when getting caught with their hands in some man's pants.

Anonymous said...

I like that "Gay Old Party". LOL I can't stand to listen to Senator Craig much more. This whole "I should have hired a lawyer" is getting to me. In theory he should be smart enough to have known that in the first place. Back-peddler!