Sunday, September 02, 2007

She's Huge, She's Fast, She's Beautiful

...she's a tax write-off, and she's all mine (well, and VISA's)!

A couple of days ago I mentioned I might be in the market for a new computer. I was tired of trying to do my job looking at the little screen on my iBook G4. It has served me well, this little one, and provided me with the capability to do jobs that has led to the need for this upgrade.

When I left my ex and my life in California, I left behind the dual-processor PowerMac with a 23" screen, too. The iBook seemed to be the best solution for me since I had no money, the potential of traveling to and from California often, and the need of a platform from which to work.

The other day I mentioned to my best friend that I was leaning towards buying a new system. She asked me if I had any decent tax write-offs this year since I've been landing so many projects. Hmmmm, I thought. No, as a matter of fact, I don't. And that sealed the deal. Last year I upgraded to the Adobe Design and Web software suites so this year I'm looking at a hefty tax bill if I don't do some quick thinking.

With that in mind, and the fact that my birthday is a month away, and I have a very computer-demanding project this week, and I haven't bought myself anything of any substance in two years as I've paid down my debt, I figured it was time to bite the bullet.

It has a 2.4GHz processor, 2GB RAM, 320GB hard drive, and all the bells and whistles. Its screen is 24" of pure glory to stick my nose in for 12 hours a day!


Anonymous said...

awesome! I've been wanting one myself, congrats on that huge piece! :) I knew you were a size queen.

evilganome said...

Congratulations. I am a MacBook owner, but I have been tempted by the new iMac. I think I will however enjoy it vicariously through you and my pal Clint, who is also getting a new iMac. What are you doing with your old iBook? RG's just died.

Gavin said...

I'm keeping the iBook. I have to keep a notebook in case I have to travel to CA. Which may be in the cards since they've been asking when I'm coming out next. Maybe I can plan it during the winter so I get a nice time of warm weather.

michael sean morris said...

Sweet new 'puter. I need a laptop myself. The 500 MB of RAM in my mini was great, but now with all the programs I run it's not good enough.

Have fun in Boston!

RG said...

Too bad you're keeping your iBook. I'm so envious and I'm going through internet withdrawl.

I would have offered to take payment out in trade. Hell, I would've done that anyway.

Big Daddy said...

Aren't the new large monitors great?