Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TV Monday On Tuesday: Big Bang Theory

I liked it and found Jim Parsons' delivery of jokes pretty amusing. Most of the episode was revealed in promo commercials leading up to its premiere so we'll see if the writing and acting hold up long enough for the actors to settle into their characters.

Question: Will I ever be able to forget that Johnny Galecki was David on Roseanne?


Anonymous said...

Is this show on tonight or was it on last night? I've been seening the promos for the last month but forgot when it's on. I watched Dancing with the Stars last night, it's on again tonight and Wed night too. It's nice to have new episodes, another reason to love the fall :)
Oh and my mouse is still alive, there's nothing in the trap. You had a bold mouse, eating your plants! Silly little things.

Gavin said...

Hey Kim--The show was on last night. My TV recaps and opinions always appear the next day after the show. Maybe I should change the title to be more clear???

Big Daddy said...

I really liked Big Bang as well.

I was set to be disappointed, but that wasn't the case.