Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sweet Home Amaryllis

Time for my weekly amaryllis update. (Click on the "amaryllis" label below for previous posts.)

The one we've been watching for the past month is now in full bloom. Four huge blossoms are open, one in each direction, and a fifth looks like it's going to pop out of the top.

I placed the other two in the second picture for comparison. One is red, the other white. They've been lagging behind although they were all planted at the same time. The shorter of the two, on the right, seems to be opening up.

Next week at least two of them should be in bloom, perhaps all three.


evilganome said...

Oooooo! Ahhhhhh! I am envious. I can't grow them in my apartment. I am going to try Christmas cactus. I'm told if you have enough light for phalaenopsis you can grow Xmas cacti.

cb said...

Amyrillissssses are so pretty. (amyrilli??)