Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Talk About Drama!

Okay, I got a little bit ahead of things when I did my self diagnosis. The doctor didn't agree with any of my theories. The nerve of him! I guess that's why he has the degree and I don't.

Here's how things went:

• No carbon monoxide poisoning so that puts an end to my little drama. I asked about taking some blood for testing and he said that CO is unstable and would be out of my system by now. What a rip off! Why oh why couldn't I have something cool like CO poisoning that would be so easy to remedy? Well, because I'm boring, that's why.
• He checked the ears, nose, and throat and there are no signs of a sinus infection.
• He seemed to agree with my thoughts about it being depression. It doesn't feel like that usually does so that isn't it.

So what could it be?

• Sleep apnea. I know I have it bad, I just didn't think much about it. I never get restorative sleep and this may be the culprit. I wake myself up all night because I've stopped breathing...I take a deep breath in and then hold it. I'm going to follow up with a sleep specialist.
• Thyroid. They drew some blood to test it. I hope this isn't the problem.

Interesting tidbit:

Do you know how blood is drawn? Those tubes they attach to the needle have a vacuum inside so it really does draw the blood out. I thought that your blood pressure pushed the blood through the needle into the tube. When a tube doesn't fill correctly it is because the vacuum seal has been compromised.

That's that. I wish I had something more definitive but at least I think I'm on the right track.

Oh, and the new heater is installed and pumping out hot air. We're Mmmmm Toasty!


Doralong said...

Apnea can really mess you up! A sleep study, get yourself a C-PAP and you'll be a new man in no time. Thyroid can totally do it as well, did he draw a B-12 too? Not that it's any of my business, mind you, but now you have me worried..

Glad you're warm again. Lost power last night and the house is just coming back to a civilized state of warm, brrr. Granted my idea of such is about 10 degrees hotter than the rest of the world, but I can at least admit I'm a wimp.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... damn this sounds damn similar to my issues. And, to be clear, we never ended up meeting in Boston (or anywhere else for that matter).

My only difference, I think, is that it's somewhat cyclical - like for weeks I can be basically fine, and then a few days are bad, then I'm fine again.


Gavin said...

atari--I finally gave up trying to figure things out and went to the doc. When I was in Boston, I did have a bit of a fever. I was trying to come up with a single solution but I think a lot of things are going on.

I've noticed just since yesterday that I take a deep breath and hold it even when I'm breathing and I'm awake!

I'll keep y'all posted.

BTW, it is 11 a.m. and I just woke up.

cb said...

Hmmm- I hope you get to feeling better. It sucks not to feel 100%. Perhaps its seasonal??

have you tried getting any exercise-- you know, for endorphins and stuff?

evilganome said...

I hope they can figure out what's up. This has been going on a long time. While I wouldn't rule out depression, when your body isn't cooperating it can make you feel like you are depressed.

I have been fighting off the cold that won't go away and it is really starting to affect my outlook.

more cowbell said...

"because I'm boring, that's why"

hahaha! Sorry there was nothing cool wrong with you. Feel better...

Gavin said...

Tony--I don't know if I still have a touch of what hit me in Boston or not. At least I could point to a fever that weekend (was 100 when I got home) but now there isn't anything. I do think it is related to whatever was going on in Florida. It seems that I sleep until 2 or 3 in the afternoon and then everything is fine like nothing ever was wrong. It is frustrating.

RG said...

If was something you caught in Boston, I would've gotten it too....

But, I've been feeling like a slug for a couple of months and workouts for me have been sporadic at best. It's the time of year plus a head/chest cold makes for a miserable winter.

Feel better my friend.

michael sean morris said...

It might be seasonal; I just had a touch of something myself, nothing could account for it, so I started taking a different multi-vitamin and drinking sports drink and that seems to have cleared it up.

Turns out it was probably an electrolyte imbalance, but I was thinking diabetes, leukemia, or some alien disease I might have picked up from watching too much sci-fi.