Sunday, August 10, 2008

Common True Katydid: Pterophylla camellifolia

These little bastards buggers are driving us nuts at night.

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

Quack, quack.

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

I thought we were listening to tree frogs until I found the right sound file on the web. (Listen here to be annoyed!) Hey, you have to know your enemy before you can hunt it down and poison stomp on smash kill it.

Common True Katydids, relatives of grasshoppers and crickets, are nearly flightless inhabitants of the crowns of deciduous trees. Most calling males seem to remain at approximately the same place in a tree throughout adult life.

Both male and female katydids make sounds by rubbing their front wings together. They hear each other with ears on their front legs.

Breeding season is in late Summer and early Fall.
I suppose it's partly my own fault. Over the past few years, I've been systematically killing ground wasps that were burrowing in the front yard. Their food of choice? Katydids.


bigislandjeepguy said...

when i played that sound, my dog jumped up from sleeping next to me on the couch and looked outside...hahaha. he had never heard that sound before.

go listen to our "lullaby" sound...the coqui frog. i always liked frogs, until these fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Oh buddy. I just played that and even my dog went nuts. That would drive me around the bend if I had to listen to that constantly.