Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Gavin Newsom Confirms Attendance As Keynote Speaker

In my post about having stress belly, I mentioned that a big name guest could potentially agree to be the Keynote Speaker at the ECCO 25th Anniversary Awards Gala on 10/4. (I'm on the Board of Directors of this Orange County, CA Political Action Committee.)

So what does that mean for yours truly? Well, first of all I'm very excited because this is a huge "get" and will mean a big boost for attendance. And any boost in attendance means more money can be donated to the No On Prop 8 campaign to defeat the anti-marriage equality constitutional amendment before California voters this November. It is a fight we must win!

This also means a bit more stress belly since I have had to quickly do layout changes on the invitations, update the web site, send out announcement emails, etc. All at the last minute.

I guess I picked the wrong career if I wanted a lot of planning!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Newsom's gonna be there. He's dynamic.

michael sean morris said...

Lock up your wives!

(Sorry. It's a cheap shot... Fish gotta swim.)

Jorge Olson said...

Great Keynote Speaker.

Will be a super event.


Jorge Olson