Thursday, September 11, 2008

Olberman On Muttley

At the risk of being political today, I spotted this over at This Boy Elroy. I wasn't sure what to post...I've been mostly in a funk and decided not to even mention 9/11.

Then I saw this and Adam asked that it be posted far and wide. Here it is, and it makes me feel angry, frustrated, and helpless.


bigislandjeepguy said...

that is the stuff made of awesomeness.

the one problem i am seeing all too often tho, is that so many of these people are really preaching to the choir. i think the people who NEED to hear this stuff; the sheep who need leading in the right direction, either might not understand the beginning part; might get bored with the length of it, etc. the end is hard hitting, but i'm curious how many people tuned it out in the middle portion. just playing devil's advocate here. i agree with everything totally and 100%, but my fear is that the people who really need to hear this: it might go way over their heads.

michael sean morris said...

I <3 that liberal silver fox. He calls them all on their sh!t in such a calm and honest manner. The followers of Shrub don't care about calmness or honesty. Still, it all needs to be said, again and again over and over.

Doralong said...

Not much more to say- he summed it up perfectly, I'm very, very sad to say.