Sunday, September 21, 2008

'Road To Nowhere' Leads To Non-existent 'Bridge To Nowhere'

Want to know why your taxes are so high?

Alaska now has a Road to Nowhere going to what would have been the Bridge to Nowhere.

Alaska Gov. Anastasia Beaverhausen's Sarah Palin's transportation department has completed a $25 million gravel road leading to the site of a bridge that Palin, as John McCain's vice presidential candidate, now boasts that she stopped, so as to save taxpayers money. The road was built with federal tax dollars.

Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein said the 3.2-mile road will be useful for road races, hunters and possibly future development. But with no bridge to serve it, that's probably about it.

"I think it will be good for recreational things like a 5K and a 10K," Weinstein said. "And instead of people walking through brush, it may be used for hunting in the area."
Great! A $25M hunting trail. Moose beware!

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