In yesterday's post, I mentioned that Enya was a bit of a one hit wonder with her song Orinoco Flow.
From today's Wall Street Journal crossword clues:
36 Down: "Shepherd Moons" singerMaybe she wasn't a one hit wonder after all...or they chose a more obscure title to make the puzzle more difficult. That would be my guess since this crossword is always a bitch!
Enya a one hit wonder???????? well maybe at number one in the singles chart, but as for album sales its 70million and counting....and a new cd release coming soon (and winter came...)
This may be the difference between the U.S. and the U.K. Orinoco Flow was really the only Enya single to get any airplay...particularly on pop stations, where it peaked at only 24 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Sad, really. I remember this song, though never saw the video until now, but I have 6 of her CDs. When I learned that she was tapped by Peter Jackson to do a signature song for the Fellowship of the Ring, I was thrilled.
When I heard that song (May it Be) I almost wept. She incorporated Tolkien Elvish into the lyric making it all the more powerful.
And with the take over of radio by the big boys like Clear Channel does it make any difference regarding one hit wonders?
They standardize everything on all their stations, so no one is free to play what they like or what is fresh.
I'm just sayin'.
The Top 40 is such a narrow way to consider music.
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