Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Stand Semi-Corrected

The incident that yesterday's troll was referring to occurred at a No on 8 demonstration in Palm Springs. It did NOT happen at the rally in Orange County in front of Saddleback Church.

In the interest of fairness and integrity, here's the Palm Springs video from KPSP-TV — warning, it's not one of our finest moments.

I have mixed feelings about this:

• I understand the anger of the gay protesters
• I understand the feeling that we've been nice and silent for too long
• I don't understand why a little old lady goes to counter protest, regardless of her right to do so
• I don't understand why folks, no matter how angry, would treat this woman in such a way...stand in front of the camera, chant behind her, yes...scream in her face, deface her property, physically intimidate her, no

I have a feeling this is only going to get uglier.

1 comment:

Cyrus said...

I have exactly all the same mixed feelings that you do. It was wrong, wrong, wrong...but understandable and predictable.