Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Friends Are At It Again!

Yesterday, the mormons scheduled a quick press conference in Santa Ana regarding local Prop 8 protests. Tomorrow's protest will be at their temple in Newport Beach. When the GLBT community caught wind of the press conference, a quick counter demonstration was organized.

I've mentioned my buddy Jeff has been getting lots of press lately on this issue. He didn't score a quote, but did manage a pic in the online story at the Orange County Register.

In an interesting twist, another friend of mine got the quote in the article:

"Just because it was on the ballot doesn't mean it was constitutional," said Irvine's Mitch Goldstone, a gay man who married his longtime partner in June.
I've know Mitch and his partner Carl for ages. In fact, I sat next to Jeff at Mitch and Carl's religious wedding (officiated by a Rabbi and attended by about 100 well wishers) about 15 years ago.

I miss seeing all my friends and being more in the mix!

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