Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama Notches A NH Landslide!

I just spotted this over at The Bum who found it at CNN:

Dixville Notch has spoken: It's Obama in a landslide

DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.

People in the village in New Hampshire's northeast corner voted just after midnight Tuesday.

It was the first time since 1968 that the village leaned Democratic in an election.

Obama's rival, Republican John McCain, won 6 votes.

A full 100 percent of registered voters in the village cast ballots. And the votes didn't take long to tally.
Is this a sign of things to come today?


Anonymous said...

The only USA news we get over here is 'Foxnews' so I have been glued to it all day watching all the coverage and I seen this first result come in. I will be glued to it all night to see what happens. It sure is a very important day :-)

Gavin said...

Ack! Don't watch FOX News! (See link "OUTFOXED..." in my sidebar.)

You are better off checking the internet...CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, or any of the major broadcast networks like ABC, NBC, and/or CBS.

Anonymous said...

I know that now lol Its the only American news channel they show on tv here so I have switched to the internet! I watched fox news today on TV and couldn't believe what their presenters are allowed to get away with saying! Talk about one sided! Thank god for the internet! I'm onto all those you have listed now :-)