Friday, March 06, 2009

Face Lift Friday: Sophia Loren (Age 74)


michael sean morris said...

'Oh no, I never do plastic surgery...' she says, and even purred in that Neapolitan accent of hers it isn't believable. Despite the horrible picture, though, I think she's looking pretty good.

Doralong said...

Bad pic, but truthfully (denials of work aside) she usually looks damn good. She obviously went to Switzerland or France for her surgery. But given the unfair genetic advantage from the get go, she probably could have avoided the knife and still looked good.

Gavin said...

I think her neck gives it away.

michael sean morris said...

Ah yes, but then the neck and the hands are the twin frontiers of plastic surgery. Even someone as lovely (and relatively young) as Mary Louise Parker has terrible hands.

Unknown said...

She's in her 70's and I think she should do what makes her happy. If it's getting plastic surgery, then awesome. If she wants to lie about it? Also awesome! She should seriously do whatever she wants. Once I'm on bonus time, I'm gonna do whatever I want too!

Diane said...

Sophia will always be a beauty at any age. No one can come close to her.

Anonymous said...

Sophia obviously has a beautiful soul.No matter whether her hair is grey her skin will always be silken
and her inner beauty which existed when she was young will always glow.