Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ed Weaver Is A Nitwit 10.10.06

Hold onto your hats, I'm in rare form today. This week's topics include the page scandal surrounding U.S. Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) and the crisis on the Korean peninsula. [Note to readers: I will continue to put the "(R-FL)" after Foley's name since Fox News has incorrectly insisted he's a Democrat. So much for fact checking, but hey, it's Fox!]

Here are a couple of excerpts from Weaver's 10.10.06 article and my feelings about them:

"Foley resigned 11 days ago but you'd never know it, as Democrats keep the issue alive, likely in an attempt to keep the conservative Republican base home four weeks from today."
Sure, the Democrats are clearly making political gains on the Foley story, but the Republicans can take most of the credit for keeping this alive. Some have bolted from supporting Speaker Hastert, some are running apology ads in their districts to salvage their election, and the Sunday morning talk shows were clogged with GOP operatives doing damage control. Oh, and over half of this week's Weaver column is dedicated to the topic.

I give the neo-cons and religious fundies more credit than Weaver does, even though he's one of them. They are keeping this issue front and center because they want to purge their political party of anyone that doesn't adhere to their strict mindset. You see, Foley wasn't Godly. If you supported him or conspired in a cover up you must be 'excommunicated' from the fold, too.

And be forewarned, anyone that lacks "family values" will be judged accordingly and dealt with swiftly. Out, out damn spot.

I consider myself more of a pragmatist than a Democrat or Republican. As far as I'm concerned, he sent some creepy emails and IMs to teenage boys but never had any physical contact with them (as far as I know). He lost his job. Case closed. Move along to more important stuff. Uh, like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

On the topic of blaming former President Clinton for the crisis in North Korea, Weaver offers this gem:
"Bush, though, should have done something to persuade or force Kim to dismantle his nuclear facilities, or have the U.S. military do it for him....Yes, the repercussions may have been severe. Some Americans soldiers may have been killed. But it would have been the right thing to do."
What, what, what???

— There are 1,200,000 million North Korean troops.
— There are 560,000 South Korean troops.
— There are 29,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea (vs. 145,000 currently in Iraq).
— Seoul is the fifth largest city in the world with a population of approximately 20 million people.
— Seoul is 30 miles from the North Korean border and would be occupied by North Korean forces within a matter of days.
— Japan is within striking distance of North Korean missiles.
— North Korea is ruled by a sociopath whose willingness to let his own people starve shows he would have no problem killing his enemies.
— China sided with the North during the Korea Ware and they are still allies.

Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot? Say Canada was a threat to the U.S. like Iran currently is — for the sake of this scenario, I will use this metaphor to simulate the discord between North and South Korea, and I'll call this fictional hostile U.S. neighbor "Iranada." Now imagine Iranada has a huge army massed in Montreal ready to attack us at any given moment. Our entire lives, everything we do, is clouded by the looming specter of all out war and death. The leader of Iranada constantly says that Iranada and the U.S. should become one country under his rule.

To help us ward off such a threat, South Korea has stationed about 50,000 troops in Plattsburg to protect us from an invasion by Iranadian forces that we tell ourselves would make a difference. It's a false sense of security, but it helps defray the stress of living.

Now the leader of South Korea, Ed "Kim" Weaver, launches a pre-emptive bombing on the Iranadian capital of Toronto. The army based in Montreal floods over the border, kills the token South Korea army, and occupies New York City within 36 hours. Yeah, smart decision.

Get an education, Mr. Weaver. Even the current and former Republican administrations can figure this one out.

Ed Weaver's column appears every Tuesday in The Record newspaper in Troy, NY. I'd say he's a right-wing conservative, but all indications are that he's even whackier than that. His views are so skewed, and based in a reality that I don't even recognize, that I think he sees the world through fun house mirrors‚ only it isn't funny. He's proof of the theory that hindsight is 20/20, only his vision is 20/100...20 for those things that support his views, 100 for those that don't.

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