Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Fired up the snowblower for the first time today at 10 a.m. About 8" in the driveway. It is really cold out and the wind was whooshing the snow horizontally. The wind chill had my ears numb in no time despite my skullcap knit hat so I didn't venture across the street to do my 90-year-old neighbor's (90YON) driveway. She'll just have to keep her ass at home today!

11:45 a.m. Update
The snow plow had cleared the street so I blew out the end of our driveway and cleared access to my mailbox and 90YON's mailbox. Too cold to do more this trip, I need to warm up. Not sure if the mailman will come today or not. The two newspaper delivery people, one for The Record and another for The Wall Street Journal, both made it in the pre-dawn hours today.

12:15 p.m. Update
The mailman came! "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Nor snow either. The storm has been officially upgraded to a blizzard which entails rate of snow, wind, and visibility.

2:45 p.m. Update
I went at the driveway with the snowblower again. The temperature is about 10ºF so the snow is very light. With the high winds, the snow is drifting. The driveway had anywhere from 4" to 10" in spots. The road had been plowed again so that is dense and hard to get through. Shoveled the sidewalk again. My ears are numb.

4:50 p.m. Update
We are at 16" where there aren't any drifts and it is still coming down like crazy!

6:30 p.m. Update
Another round at the driveway. Blew out about 5" more. I was too cold to shovel the sidewalk this time around. I suspect that the driveway will be full again tomorrow morning based on the way the wind is currently creating drifts. They are quite beautiful — Mother Nature's canvas.

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