Monday, November 10, 2008

The Lying Liars Of Yes On 8

On my earlier post regarding the protest of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, an anonymous lying blog troll left the following comment:

What does your friend who is a congregant at Saddleback think about protesters pulling a crucifix from the hands of a woman and stomping on it?
I responded:
Dear anonymous--How come this even wasn't reported in any of the media? I mean, come on, the ultra-conservative Orange County Register would have loved to report such an event.

Seems that not only does the Yes on 8 side lie in its tv ads, but on blogs it trolls as well.
And then I enabled Comment Moderation.

Here is the live on-site report from KABC-TV in Los Angeles. Looks pretty tame to me, and surely if a poor little old lady had her cross ripped from her hands and was mistreated, the media would have reported it.

The Yes On 8 people are lying liars! Or they are stupid syncophants that follow lying Limbaugh dittoheads. They couldn't win on the facts and they continue to spread inflammatory lies.

1 comment:

more cowbell said...

Well, given the example of their party during this entire campaign, especially since Palinbots jumped on the train, why wouldn't they be making things up to stir up fear and cast the feared as "other"? If it's good enough for McPalin, it's good enough for Joe the Right Winger, no?

I'm just heartsick about the way Prop 8 went.

(and I guess I've been gone too long -- nice new digs.)