Monday, November 27, 2006

Ed Weaver Is A Nitwit 11.25.06

Here we go again. The title of this week's Weaver column sums up the entire article, "Dems' standards are lower."

Here's an excerpt from Weaver's 11.25.06 article and my feelings about it:

He tries mightily to convince us that Republicans are just better than Democrats...

"Republicans are held to a higher standard than Democrats, friends, by themselves, and by literally everyone else, simply because Democrats hold such lower standards for their office holders."
Whoa is me. I set such high standards for myself. Oh, and by the way, I'll be setting them for you, too. Never mind that you never asked and I have no intention of upholding them myself. You see, this is all about me placing my ideals on you. Less government, except when I can use it to my benefit and force you to do what I want!

But it's boo hoo when my hypocrisy is exposed. I'm just trying to be so good, you just don't understand. Forgive me for my failings, but I'll lynch you for yours. This all boils down to a double-standard — not by Democrats but by Republicans.

Here's the thing. I think almost all politicians are corrupt, both Democrats and Republicans. It takes a certain egomaniacal personality to run for public office. The most qualified never get elected. Hell, they don't even run because they don't have the temperament to deal with the public. I think if politicians aren't corrupt before they get to Washington, they will be soon. Our election system requires that candidates constantly raise money to hang onto their seats. Those walls of attack ads don't come cheap.

Ed Weaver's column appears every Saturday in The Record newspaper in Troy, NY. I'd say he's a right-wing conservative, but all indications are that he's even whackier than that. His views are so skewed, and based in a reality that I don't even recognize, that I think he sees the world through fun house mirrors‚ only it isn't funny. He's proof of the theory that hindsight is 20/20, only his vision is 20/100...20 for those things that support his views, 100 for those that don't.

Previous Posts:
11.18.06 || 11.11.06 || 11.4.06
10.28.06 || 10.17.06 || 10.10.06 || 10.3.06 || 9.26.06 || 9.19.06

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