Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ed Weaver Is A Nitwit 2.10.07

It's been two weeks since I commented on Ed Weaver's column. Not that he hasn't written a couple of columns in that time that were totally consistent with his skewed world view.

Two weeks ago, his topics were just boring. Quite tiresome.

This past Saturday, he quoted some climatologist that said there is no global climate change. When I read it, I was all happy inside know that the ability to shred the guy's credibility was merely a google away. I set the paper aside and now it is among the missing. I've decided it just isn't worth going out into the garage in the freezing cold just to make a point.

We are expecting 2-3 feet of snow tonight and tomorrow. The anti-climate change chorus will surely sing that they are right. See, how can there be global warming if we just got a ton of snow, they'll crow.

Well, considering it is the second week of February and this is our first storm of the winter should be some indication that there's a problem. Yes we are getting snow, um, three months late. Call me when the Greenland ice shelf is restored and icebergs stop splitting off the polar ice caps in miles-long sizes with increasing frequency.

I have to ask, what is in it for anti-climate change citizens? I mean, I get it why the scientists say it. That's all about the benjamins, my friends, all about the benjamins.

Ed Weaver's column appears every Saturday in The Record newspaper in Troy, NY. I'd say he's a right-wing conservative, but all indications are that he's even whackier than that. His views are so skewed, and based in a reality that I don't even recognize, that I think he sees the world through fun house mirrors, only it isn't funny. He's proof of the theory that hindsight is 20/20, only his vision is 20/100...20 for those things that support his views, 100 for those that don't.

Previous Posts:

1.20.07 || 1.13.07 || 1.6.07 || 12.30.06 || 12.23.06 || 12.16.06
12.9.06 || 12.2.06 || 11.25.06 || 11.18.06 || 11.11.06 || 11.4.06
10.28.06 || 10.17.06 || 10.10.06 || 10.3.06 || 9.26.06 || 9.19.06

1 comment:

Michael said...

You might also mention to Mr. Weaver and his ilk that global warming not only means warmer temperatures, but more extreme weather patterns--like 11 feet of snow!