Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ed Weaver Is A Nitwit 6.9.07: Illegal Immigration

It's the triumphant return of my political series of posts where I take on the neocon columnist in the local newspaper. I got tired of his ass, and with all the work I was doing on the television show recaps, I haven't had the energy to take him on since 4.14.07. Alas, in that time, he hasn't gotten any more intelligent or insightful. It still seems he's on the email distribution list of talking points sent out by the White House to Fox News, etc. He bites hook, line, and sinker although he acts more like a parrot. He'll be the second-to-last person on the U.S.S. Shrub before it sinks, rowing away while Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View continues to bail water.

This week Mr. Weaver is crowing about the demise of the immigration bill in Congress. I get such a kick out of these people that have NO IDEA what the scale of illegal immigration is in this country. If you think you know anything about this topic by living in Troy, NY, you are dumber than I thought. Get a quick education by spending a week in Los Angeles before you say anything. Here's the way it is:
• Illegal aliens aren't inhuman cockroaches that scurry and hide when the immigration authorities come to "round 'em up" and ship them home.
• Illegal aliens pick the fruits and vegetables you enjoy in the grocery stores. These produce fields aren't hidden...they are alongside the freeways. You know, the freeways that carry 500,000 cars a day. And these folks are out breaking their backs in the sun. (Think it's easy work? Try it some time. I did a charity gleaning of a celery field. I worked for an hour and couldn't get out of bed for two days with muscle strain in the center of my back.) Everyone knows they're illegal. No one does anything.
• Illegal aliens sell flowers and bags of oranges at freeway off ramps and busy intersections with stop lights during evening rush hour. Everyone knows they're illegal. No one does anything — except buy their honey a bouquet on a special occassion.
• Illegal aliens are gardeners and maids for a large percentage of households. Not just the rich, but a lot of the middle class, too. Everyone knows they're illegal. No one does anything — except hire them and refer the good ones to their friends.
• Illegal aliens, in most cities, can readily be found as day laborers outside the local 7-11 or Home Depot. Everyone knows they're illegal. No one does anything — except hire them when you need sprinklers installed or a ditch dug.
• Illegal aliens, in some cities, can readily be found as day laborers in specially designated areas set aside by the city. Everyone knows they're illegal. No one does anything — except set aside a nice area where they can congregate and be easily found by people who need help packing and moving.
• Illegal aliens are not particularly prone to causing crime or being a menace. Frankly, they obey the law because they don't want to be deported. Restaurant help and day laborers are always friendly, smile, mind their own business, and are never pushy — I wish I could say that about the assholes I encounter that are born here.

Simply saying that we need to build a wall is supremely naive and only shows one's stupidity. Ultimately, the problem is the corrupt Mexican government that can't create an economy that generates enough jobs. From what I've learned, illegal aliens are here to work and earn money. It is in our arrogance we think that, given the option, they would rather come here than stay home with their families to work and earn money. They love their country and their culture...but the reality is they have families to feed.

Ed Weaver's column appears every Saturday in The Record newspaper in Troy, NY. I'd say he's a right-wing conservative, but all indications are that he's even whackier than that. His views are so skewed, and based in a reality that I don't even recognize, that I think he sees the world through fun house mirrors, only it isn't funny. He's proof of the theory that hindsight is 20/20, only his vision is 20/100...20 for those things that support his views, 100 for those that don't.

Previous Posts:
4.14.07 || 4.7.07 || 3.31.07
3.24.07 || 3.17.07 || 3.10.07 || 3.3.07 || 2.17.07 || 2.10.07 || 1.27.07
1.20.07 || 1.13.07 || 1.6.07 || 12.30.06 || 12.23.06 || 12.16.06
12.9.06 || 12.2.06 || 11.25.06 || 11.18.06 || 11.11.06 || 11.4.06
10.28.06 || 10.17.06 || 10.10.06 || 10.3.06 || 9.26.06 || 9.19.06

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always find it a special brand of strange when people deal with issues that are complicated and have no easy answers by latching on to the first negative stereotype which places them a step up on some perceived morality ladder. If it were only that easy!